
Şubat, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

things to do before and after breast augmentation

the women i see for breast augmentation, everysingle one of them says, "i don't want to be too big." my job is to help them figureout what that means, because everybody's concept of what 'too big' is is very different. myjob is to give them education and options. i think there's a whole lot of stuff thatgoes on here that's really important for breast augmentation. i think the operative portionis important too; but the operative portion, once we've made a plan here, is much morestraightforward. the hard part, the decision making, the information,all the choices, all that happens here, and i really want to help the patient figure outwhat it is she wants. sometimes they want me to just tell them what they need, but iwant to help them figure out what it is that they want and what they're hoping to get outof breast augmentation. so, when it comes to figuring out an actual size implant we'regoing to put in for a patient, then we're going

thailand breast augmentation before and after

my name is dr. theera yangyuen. i'm a plastic surgeon. i finished with medical student from chulalongkorn university twenty years ago and i got the thai board certificate for general surgeon just about 14 years ago. and i got the thai board for plastic surgeon from king chulalongkorn university 10 years ago. i think, firstly, get more information about the surgery. no need to get which doctor you need to use. get more information. but, information you can have may be the true or the false. because, information maybe now can be taken more from internet, from the web site. i think, in general, maybe give only the best result, it can not help you know the complication or if something wrong can be happening, alright? that's why i mean by the first one, get more information. if you know about how to do, how it happens, how to take care of yourself the second step is to choose the doctor. okay, if you come to thailand, the first step i recommend is to choose a doctor who has a

teardrop breast implants before and after photos uk

bjbjlulu hello, my name is adrian richards,and today i'm going to be taking you through a pip breast implant exchange operation. ourlady's got the implants under the muscle. she's got some change in shape, particularlythe left side, and she is very worried about the pip implants and the question of the quality.so she has elected to have them replaced. so, this lady is quite an interesting breastenlargement. can you see this scar here? she has actually got a scar that's very, veryhigh, whereas the breast is lying here. so, because the scar has been designed too highin the beginning, it's lying on the under surface of the breast rather than down herewhere it should be in the fold. now, i could make another incision here, but probably betterto not have two incisions. so i am going to have to make an incision here, even thoughit's in the wrong place, so she only has one scar. so i am just going to cut now onto theimplant. can you see here? just cutting through

teardrop breast augmentation before and after

placidway is the leading medical tourism companythat helps you compare and customize the most affordable treatments worldwide. every women has a unique body shape. a personalised consultation with a surgeonis essential to establish what result you can expect after the procedure, based on yourbody. with trusted & highly experienced surgeonfor breast augmentation in mexico you will be in good hands. before and after photos includes proceduresthat have been carried out on a variety of different body shapes to help provide a startingpoint or idea of what can be achieved. maurice aceves plastic aesthetic surgeon isa renowned breast reconstruction surgeon and has performed thousands of surgeries. he also performs breast lifts, breast reductionsand breast augmentations. prices for cosmetic packages in mexicali,mexico by dr. maurice aceves. breast augmentation: $4,300. breast lift with implants: $5,100. breast reduction: $4,530. you can also be among our happy patients whohave had an

subglandular breast augmentation before and after

hi everybody, doctor sadi erfani.plastic surgeon with spirit lift aesthetic plastic surgery here to share you with you someinformation today about breast augmentation. i think breast augmentation is one ofthe most popular procedures in the united states if not the world because of a very specific reason it givestremendous elevation the self-esteem to the women who like to participate inthis particular procedure here in spirit lift, we have two to threedifferent methods that we like to employ for doing a breast augmentation. of coursewe use the implant augmentations either using silicone or saline and we also introduced fat grafting nowwhich is a wonderful procedure for certain individualize patients whoare seeking a natural type of breast augmentation using their own tissue and we'regonna show you some pictures and videos of a breast augmentation. some of ourclients who experience some wonderful results and needless to say they're extremely satisfied with theresults as wel

subfascial breast augmentation before and after

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe

stretch marks before and after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the skin toneand buttock projection. in this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back. it is very interesting that almost no surgeon talks about how the tightness of your buttocks ultimately will determine the projection thatyou are going to have. sure you have gone online, read about buttock augmentation, stories about how much fat was injected in the buttocks, how big the buttocks got, but ultimately the first and foremost important concept that you need to understand is that buttock augmentation depends on your skin tone. so let us talk about the skin tone. different women and men have different skin tones. the skin tone is crucial when it comes tobuttock augmentation. for example, those buttocks that have a very tight skin tone and a buttocks that is a little bit loose is it important, because when we are a

stem cell fat transfer breast augmentation before and after

hi, i'm dr. alexander sinclair. i'm a board-certifiedplastic surgeon. let's talk about buttock augmentation. in the united states there'sa lot of knowledge about breast augmentation, and most patients can do a lot of researchonline about that subject. there's much less information about buttock augmentation, andtypically that's because not that much buttock augmentation is done in the united states.however, the buttocks are an incredibly important area when it comes to attracting members ofthe opposite sex and when it comes to having what's considered a curvaceous, beautifulbody. there are two ways of augmenting or making buttocks larger. one way is to autologoustissue. that's a fancy of way of saying using your own fat to enhance your buttocks. youcan have liposuction done on your trunk or your arms, and the fat can be transferredinto your buttock area. it's a great way to give you curves in your buttock area, butnot only does it give you curve

stem cell breast augmentation before and after

hello, you've reached placidway, theleading health tourism company, where you can compare the most affordabletreatments worldwide! subscribe to our youtube channel and get instant accessto all of our latest help videos. patient testimonials, treatment centers andprocedures and exotic destinations all around the world. everything is at yourfingertips. breast augmentation surgery can enhancethe appearance and boost self-confidence. there are many plastic surgery clinicsin mexico that offer affordable breast augmentation packages. you can savebetween 50 - 70 % compared to prices in your home countries. thesecosmetic plastic surgery centers are well equipped with modern facilities,accredited, licensed and have top experienced cosmetic surgeons. theplastic surgery clinics have a reputation in providing high qualitycosmetic surgery with positive outcomes at reasonable prices. women consider breast augmentationbothered by the feeling that their breasts are too small. weight loss has

stem cell breast augmentation before and after pictures

today’s video is for all my boys out there.i know that to many of you your penis is - consciously or unconsciously - one of the most importantthings in the whole wide universe. i hear you.. you might ask yourself how doesshe know anything about my penis? well, ever since i started mytinysecrets.comi have received hundreds of emails from desperate men who think their penis is too small. and i am serious here.. by desperate i meanreally desperate. that’s why in today’s video i want toshare 6 alternative ways to enlarge your penis permanently. and the best thingabout these methods is that anyone can do them, plus they don’t you cost a dime. before i share with you my holistic penisenlargement secrets let me share with you some personal thoughts regarding the sizeof your penis: it is true, babe .. some men have a big penisand others have a smaller one, but the measurement is not - i repeat not - an index of virilityor good sex. a big penis doesn’t make a great lover. in fact

stars before and after breast augmentation

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel bootyman. today we are going to discuss the safety ofbuttock implants. in this channel, we will discuss everythingyou need to know about buttock enhancement procedures. welcome back! people always express concern regarding the safety of having buttock implants. a stigma is often associated with implants as they are widely thought to cause complications. however, buttock implants are just as safe as breast implants. buttock implants that are made in the united states have less risk of capsular contracture, deflation, etc. due to their solid silicone material, unlike the gel material of breast implants. this means that the implant will not deflate even if it is punctured. think of the implant as like a gummy bear, where the material does not spill or ooze out even after cutting it. buttock implants are more stable than breast implants due to the nature of their consistency. even in the unlikely instance that compl

smoking before and after breast augmentation

top 10 strange studies with unexpected results 10. most of us have murder fantasies evolutionary psychologist david buss decidedto take a survey of his university of texas at austin students to see if any of them hadever fantasized about murder. he discovered 75 percent of them said that they had, sohe decided to do a formal survey of approximately 5,000 people around the world. his results showed that 91 percent of men,and 84 percent of women have had a fantasy about murdering someone. in addition to thesurvey, he reviewed and analyzed the fbi files of more than 400,000 murders. buss concluded that “killing is fundamentallyin our nature because over the eons of human evolution murder was so surprisingly beneficialin the intense game of reproductive competition.” additionally, buss concluded that men aremore likely to kill someone if they’ve become humiliated because it could hurt their abilityto attract a mate. 9. american breasts are getting bigger according to the lingeri

size d breast augmentation before and after

this video we'll talk about breastaugmentation which is sort of one of the most common procedures and popular procedures that plastic surgeons perform i'd say in my case of the non facial procedures performed it's the most popular, second is probably tummy tuck, but breast augmentation still is the most popular because it's a very straightforward procedure people get very nice resultsand its it's quite predictable. so, whenpatients come to me to ask about breast augmentation there's really a lot ofquestions that they had unfortunately there's a lot of information on theinternet about this. i'd say the quality of the information on the internet has gotten betterover time, but there are still some misconceptions, so i'll try to clear some of these misconceptions in this video. first of all, the idea behind breast augmentation as most people know is to put in an implant just underneath the breast to reallypush the natural breast forward and in t

silicone breast augmentation before and after photos

hi, this is dr. hourglass, and welcome toanother video in our channel wonder breasts. today we are going to discuss rippling afterbreast augmentation. in this channel, we discuss everything related to breast surgery. welcome back! rippling is an aesthetic complication thatcan occur after a breast augmentation. every type of breast implant will ripple excepthighly cohesive silicone breast implants. so what is rippling? if you look at this clip, when an implant is vertical, gravity and the cohesiveness of the implant filling material tend to deform the implant. when the implant is in the breast pocket, the interactions between the implant and the soft tissue cause traction, and the ripples of the implant can be seen through the skin. for example, if you look at this patient, when she is leaning forward you can see the rippling phenomenon. this is most often visible in patients who have very little soft tissue covering the implant. this patient has a silicone breast implantabove the

saline breast augmentation before and after

the procedure i'm having today in los angeles is silicone breast implants. it's always a pleasure to see a new patient because they've gone out of their way to find us. i saw monica and she came in interested in a los angeles breast augmentation procedure. when i sat down with her one thing that was important to her was that she look natural. she wanted to gain some fullness in herbreast area without looking too top-heavy. what set dr. kapoor apart from other los angelessurgeons? he was very personable. he was very real. just really nice. there wasn't a sales pitch. they're not just trying to bring money into the office. they really cared about me and the decision that i'm making knowing that it is a pretty big decision. i'm alteringmy body. it's going to be with me for the rest of my life. they were just very personal and i really respected that. in terms of picking a good patient for breast augmentationsurgery or making sure that they're a sui

saline before and after breast augmentation

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks natural.so, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for them.how do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped implant.you notice this implant is perfectly round. this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lowe

saggy breast augmentation before and after

hi viewers today i'm going to share with you a home remedy to tighten your sagging breasts how to get form full of breast we all want perfect body and we also want perfect breasts here are some remedies to tighten your sagging breasts first home remedy step one for this we need carrot and ice cubes take a cloth put grated carrot and some ice cubes in it and place it on your breasts pull it for two to four minutes by doing this you can tighten your sagging breasts second step for this we need honey do this immediately after carrot ice treatment take some honey into your palm and massage on your breasts in a circular motion for 10 minutes this massage will tighten your step 3 onion juice now take onion juse and massage in circular motion onion juice will form the rest it also make your breasts look bigger do this massage for three to five minutes this treatment is perfect for tight in the breast was your breasts with cold water after treatment second home remedy kukumber take

round breast implants before and after

welcome back. one of the most common questions that patients routinely ask is how to choose the right breast implant. how big you can go or what is the most appropriate implant for you. i have created a series of five videos that will explain step by step how to choose your breast implant. in this first video, we are going to discuss how to choose the breast implant diameter that is appropriate for you. we are not going to discuss anatomical-shape implants, but round implants. round breast implants are almost circular in shape. the diameter of a round implant is the most important measurement; it measurement how wide the implant is if we draw a line through its center. implant size changes the body of the implant, so the larger the diameter of the implant, the more volume the implant will have. so, what implant diameter will be the bestfor you? there is one basic measurement that you can do at home to determine this. this measurement is called the breast base, or the width of th

round breast augmentation before and after

hi everyone! here we are in o.r. 1, this isthe number one operating room here at the plastic surgery clinic, and what a lot ofpeople have asked me to talk about is implant projection. so, people want to know, whatis the difference between low projection, medium projection, moderate plus projection,and high projection? what does that mean? lots of people think that projection meanshow high the implant stands. it doesn't. projection means how far out the implant projects orsticks forward in the frontways direction. let me show you 2 different implants. so theseimplants, these 2 implants are both 400cc implants. but this implant is a high projectingimplant, and this implant is a moderate projecting implant. so you see this implant sticks outmore in the front to back direction than this implant does. but they're both 400cc's. now,if they're both 400cc's the higher projecting implant is also narrower. so if you look atthese 2 implants you see how this one is narrowe

plastic surgery breast augmentation before and after photos

this video we'll talk about breastaugmentation which is sort of one of the most common procedures and popular procedures that plastic surgeons perform i'd say in my case of the non facial procedures performed it's the most popular, second is probably tummy tuck, but breast augmentation still is the most popular because it's a very straightforward procedure people get very nice resultsand its it's quite predictable. so, whenpatients come to me to ask about breast augmentation there's really a lot ofquestions that they had unfortunately there's a lot of information on theinternet about this. i'd say the quality of the information on the internet has gotten betterover time, but there are still some misconceptions, so i'll try to clear some of these misconceptions in this video. first of all, the idea behind breast augmentation as most people know is to put in an implant just underneath the breast to reallypush the natural breast forward and in t

plastic surgery before and after breast augmentation

placidway is the leading medical tourism companythat helps you compare and customize the most affordable treatments worldwide. every women has a unique body shape. a personalised consultation with a surgeonis essential to establish what result you can expect after the procedure, based on yourbody. with trusted & highly experienced surgeonfor breast augmentation in mexico you will be in good hands. before and after photos includes proceduresthat have been carried out on a variety of different body shapes to help provide a startingpoint or idea of what can be achieved. maurice aceves plastic aesthetic surgeon isa renowned breast reconstruction surgeon and has performed thousands of surgeries. he also performs breast lifts, breast reductionsand breast augmentations. prices for cosmetic packages in mexicali,mexico by dr. maurice aceves. breast augmentation: $4,300. breast lift with implants: $5,100. breast reduction: $4,530. you can also be among our happy patients whohave had an

pictures of breast augmentation before and after

placidway is the leading medical tourism companythat helps you compare and customize the most affordable treatments worldwide. every women has a unique body shape. a personalised consultation with a surgeonis essential to establish what result you can expect after the procedure, based on yourbody. with trusted & highly experienced surgeonfor breast augmentation in mexico you will be in good hands. before and after photos includes proceduresthat have been carried out on a variety of different body shapes to help provide a startingpoint or idea of what can be achieved. maurice aceves plastic aesthetic surgeon isa renowned breast reconstruction surgeon and has performed thousands of surgeries. he also performs breast lifts, breast reductionsand breast augmentations. prices for cosmetic packages in mexicali,mexico by dr. maurice aceves. breast augmentation: $4,300. breast lift with implants: $5,100. breast reduction: $4,530. you can also be among our happy patients whohave had an

pictures of before and after breast augmentation

this video we'll talk about breastaugmentation which is sort of one of the most common procedures and popular procedures that plastic surgeons perform i'd say in my case of the non facial procedures performed it's the most popular, second is probably tummy tuck, but breast augmentation still is the most popular because it's a very straightforward procedure people get very nice resultsand its it's quite predictable. so, whenpatients come to me to ask about breast augmentation there's really a lot ofquestions that they had unfortunately there's a lot of information on theinternet about this. i'd say the quality of the information on the internet has gotten betterover time, but there are still some misconceptions, so i'll try to clear some of these misconceptions in this video. first of all, the idea behind breast augmentation as most people know is to put in an implant just underneath the breast to reallypush the natural breast forward and in t