subglandular breast augmentation before and after

subglandular breast augmentation before and after

hi everybody, doctor sadi erfani.plastic surgeon with spirit lift aesthetic plastic surgery here to share you with you someinformation today about breast augmentation. i think breast augmentation is one ofthe most popular procedures in the united states if not the world because of a very specific reason it givestremendous elevation the self-esteem to the women who like to participate inthis particular procedure here in spirit lift, we have two to threedifferent methods that we like to employ for doing a breast augmentation. of coursewe use the implant augmentations either using silicone or saline

and we also introduced fat grafting nowwhich is a wonderful procedure for certain individualize patients whoare seeking a natural type of breast augmentation using their own tissue and we'regonna show you some pictures and videos of a breast augmentation. some of ourclients who experience some wonderful results and needless to say they're extremely satisfied with theresults as well because of the one involving elevation the self-esteem they were ableto experience from it so please sit back and enjoy and as always we're open to yourquestions and are waiting for you thank you. so let's talk a little bitabout breast augmentation, there are

numerous opportunities and and approaches for doing breastaugmentation the most recognizable of course are implant breastaugmentation with silicone or saline implants placed either behind the breast or behind themuscle and there is mastopexy which is a brest lift utilizing the native tissue of the breast and then you can also augment breast tissue withyour own fat or autologous fat transfer and the firstthing we're gonna show you is a schematic of a normal breast with the milk ductsand

the nipple-areolar right here and thebreast issues right here, we see the fats surrounding the breast and ofcourse the pectoralis major muscle which can be used an elevated to place an implantbehind it which is highly advantageous for preventing capsular contracture which can be a very serious problem that can ruin a perfect result on a breastaugmentation patient that's why my favorite location forplacing a breast implant either silicone or saline especiallysaline will be to places behind this muscle here theapproaches that we use commonly

could be a periareolar incision which isan incision made in the interior part of the nipple complex and through that incision we canapproach and tunnel down to the chest wall where we canplace inplant again behind the brest tissue itself which isone option or behind the muscle. the other optionfor incision is an inframammary incision which is designed right under the junction of the breast with the chest wall and to this we can approach and placethe implant again in this space right behind the breasttissue or behind the muscle tissue as previously stated in order to show you again the musclemore distinctly it is this

number two arrow as well that you seeright here but also this purple arrow is demonstrating the peculiar majormuscle and when you hear about sub muscular implant placement this is a muscle that iselevated with the implant place behind it and this is more advantageous and thisis my favored or preferred method of implant placementand the second one would be subglandular inplant this implant placement can look very natural however if you're using a silicone work. excuse me if you're using a saline implant and you place in this planeabove the muscle

then there's a problem sometimes withimplant visibility and rippling which can be avoided if simply placedbehind the muscle and now we have the privilege to show you acouple patients that we done here at spirit lift this young woman here had complaints ofhaving small breast tissue as well as having some drooping or was iscalled ptosis of the breast. she opted to have a periareolar incisiondone right here under the nipple and an implant place behind the can see the beautiful result on projection obtained after a few months. the projection of the upper chest wall andthe volume of the brest is now

significantly improved and of course is behind the muscle weminimized the potential problem of a capsularcontracture. our next patient similarly had a complaint of having not enough breast tissue and projectionof her upper chest wall here and she also opted for a silicone implantplacement done through a periareolar incision andplace behind the muscle as well. you can see with her as well that theimplant was a high-profile and was able to give muchmore chest projection

which for her she was seeking to havemore filling out of her bikini and she was ableto succeed with this and we see a frontal view of her as well this ispre-operatively and then post-operatively we can see thatthe incisions are healing very very well andthe fullness and the medial chest wall is visible and clearly the projectionas we have seen in the previous photograph has been much improved as well and we thank this patients for allowing us to use their photographs todemonstrate these results. is there something that can help you ormaybe someone you know

come and see us for your free evaluationwe can't wait to wow you


  1. Thanks for sharing Article and information about Subglandular Breast Implants is awesome. please tell me some good effect and side effect of Subglandular Breast Implants.


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