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stem cell breast augmentation before and after pictures

today’s video is for all my boys out there.i know that to many of you your penis is - consciously or unconsciously - one of the most importantthings in the whole wide universe. i hear you.. you might ask yourself how doesshe know anything about my penis? well, ever since i started mytinysecrets.comi have received hundreds of emails from desperate men who think their penis is too small. and i am serious here.. by desperate i meanreally desperate. that’s why in today’s video i want toshare 6 alternative ways to enlarge your penis permanently. and the best thingabout these methods is that anyone can do them, plus they don’t you cost a dime.

before i share with you my holistic penisenlargement secrets let me share with you some personal thoughts regarding the sizeof your penis: it is true, babe .. some men have a big penisand others have a smaller one, but the measurement is not - i repeat not - an index of virilityor good sex. a big penis doesn’t make a great lover. in fact there are many womenwho say that “big dicks are lazy”. and some women even totally dislike the ideaof a large penis. take for example this girl’s comment whichi found in an online community: “for me, every sex act with a big dong isalways the same — uncomfortable. during

sex i usually end up closing my eyes and hopingthey come quickly because i certainly won’t. anal? not even going there. and can we talkabout big boy bjs? i can barely breathe and my jaw hurts afterward. it’s like drowningin a sea of dong. a smaller penis to me means more blow jobs,possible anal, a variety of positions, less pain, and more orgasms.” or take this girl: i dont like big dicks for the simple factthat, you know, i like to go nuts on a penis. i like to suck a dick where i feel like i'min power. in ancient taoist sexology it was well knownthat it is much more important to be sexually

compatible with a woman than to have a penisof a particular size. okay so you might ask yourself.. what doesbeing sexual compatible exactely mean? it means that a man must match the size ofhis penis with that of his partner’s vaginal canal. yep ..that means not just men have differentpenis sizes but also women have different vaginal cana length. some vaginal canals areshorter, others are longer. that means that if for example the lengthof the man’s penis is much greater than the length of the vaginal canal it might bevery uncomfortable for a woman during intercourse and the sexual reflexology points which arefound along the penis and inside the vaginal

canal won’t be properly stimulated sincethe size of the penis and vagina don’t match. that also means that there is the right lidfor every pot. thought #3: another issue leading to the frustration ofmany men is that every man sees his own penis in aforeshortened view. that means that the angle at which you lookdown inevitably makes your penis seem shorter than it actually is. so when you see another man naked his peniswill always look bigger to you even though it might be exactly the same size as yourpenis.

just sayin.. thought #4: the negative impact that porn has on the sexualconfidence and stamina of men is huuuuggge. and this shit works subconsciously. think about it: in porn movies they rarelyshow average dicks but usually the unnaturally long and thick once. and of course porn movies only show womenwho can’t have it big enough and can only by looking at a big dick squirt like a squirtmachine. and since you probably don’t see many nakedmen around you porn is for many the only time

they see another men fully naked. so please be aware of the fact that porn mighthave affected your self-esteem more than you think, honey. thought #5: the reason most men want a big penis is becausethey think a big dick equals big sex. and it’s not justmen who think so but also women. the problem here is that 90% of this worldhas never seen any proper, conscious sex education. most men and women have no clue about sexand think sex is all about boobs, butt, penis & pussy.

and all of this leads to so much confusion,pain, insecurity, insatisfaction and a lifetime of comparison that it can easily make a manfeel totally inadequate. therefore let us now look into my 6 alternativeways to enlarge your penis. many studies have found that for women thebest predictors of sexual satisfaction is the confidence of a man, an enjoyable personalityand attraction. sounds cheesy but it’s the damn truth. subconsciously women want to be held by aconfident man. confidence means you believe in yourself..

it creates a magical aura around you thatmakes a woman feel save when being with you. and the saver a woman feels when being withyou the more she will be able to let go and this again opens her up to amazing orgasmicexperiences. so as your confidence grows your penis willgrow as well. the next steps i gonna talk about will naturallyhelp you to grow your confidence. when you have sex you don’t just have sexwith a pussy or a cock, right..?? but with a complete person.. which means with body,mind & spirit. so the deeper, stronger and wiser your wholepersonality becomes the bigger - energetically speaking - your penis will become to the women.

therefore look into personal development.get to know yourself better. heal and work on yourself physically, emotionally& spiritually. read great books, study the universe, challenge yourself, step out ofyour comfort zone and connect yourself with people who help you grow. one of my favorite, empowering and healingbooks of all times is “conversations with god’:you can also find the link under the video. yes, honey.. the more you know about yourown sexuality and the sexuality of a woman the bigger your penis will grow energetically. for example learning how to give a woman apussy massage as i explain in this video will

make you the favorite of any woman: or learning how to have holistic sex as iexplain in this video will enlarge your penis another inch and of course learning the art of oral sexas explained in this article will make you a keeper no matter the size of your penis. i put the link also under the video & willsoon make a video how to give great oral sex. so pls subscribe if you don’t want to missit. yes, building the stamina and lasting powerof your member should be on top of your priority list if you want to impress a woman. staminais much, much more important to a woman than a big cock. what you do with a big cock ifit does not get erect?

with the right pelvic floor and penis exercises,the help of a balanced, fresh diet, emotional healing and some other magic tricks whichi explain in the penis magic course you will be able to get erections more easily,maintain an erection during sex, have more intense orgasms and through all of this thisbuild your sexual confidence. if you currently have an issues with impotenceand erectile dysfunction then pls be aware of the fact that most of these issues haveits roots in an emotional trauma that you have experienced. all of this can be healed but it sure willtake time. in the penis magic course i ll share with you many ideas to empower yourpenis and your complete being as a man.

check out this video of mine where i sharesome exercises how a man can last longer in can also find the link under the video. your presence and awareness is everythinghoney. to a woman nothing is more exciting than tobe with a man who truly honors and sees her. here and now. someone who looks at her withrespect, admiration, compassion and love when she is naked. this alone will make her sexual juices flowabundantly and open her into a whole nother universe. i promise she won’t think a minuteabout your penis size if you are able to fill your penis and whole being with light, confidenceand presence.

to get more present you will have to consciouslywork on yourself. it won’t come overnight. besides personal development and inner healingwork you can explore conscious breathing practices, qi gong, yoga, tantra or meditation practices. the great frida kahlo once said: “take a lover who looks at you like maybeyou are magic.” don’t settle for anything less, honey. youdeserve exactely that. someone like this will help you become moreof what you are. with someone of this quality you will be able to sit down and share yourheart. because what is most important to great sex is not a big penis, a tight pussy or theperfect body, but an open heart, the right

kinda energy and lots of communication tocreate the best experience for both of you. yo babe.. i know i tricked you a bit withthese 6 tips to enlarge your penis.. and maybe it wasn’t exactly what you were expecting,but believe me when i say that it is exactly what you needed to hear. we all have to take a step back from the purephysicality of sex and understand that sex is bigger than this, that real sex got verylittle to do with a big penis, big breasts or the perfect body. the author marcus allenhas put it into perfect words: “its time we see sex as the truly sacredart that it is. a deep meditation, a holy communion and a dance with the force of creation.”

much love. peace. i am out.


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