teardrop breast implants before and after photos uk

teardrop breast implants before and after photos uk

bjbjlulu hello, my name is adrian richards,and today i'm going to be taking you through a pip breast implant exchange operation. ourlady's got the implants under the muscle. she's got some change in shape, particularlythe left side, and she is very worried about the pip implants and the question of the quality.so she has elected to have them replaced. so, this lady is quite an interesting breastenlargement. can you see this scar here? she has actually got a scar that's very, veryhigh, whereas the breast is lying here. so, because the scar has been designed too highin the beginning, it's lying on the under surface of the breast rather than down herewhere it should be in the fold. now, i could make another incision here, but probably betterto not have two incisions. so i am going to

have to make an incision here, even thoughit's in the wrong place, so she only has one scar. so i am just going to cut now onto theimplant. can you see here? just cutting through the implant capsule, and this implant actuallylooks okay. first impressions are it s okay. not too much fluid around it. so i will justremove the implant now. sometimes there is quite a lot of fluid around the implant, butit doesn't look like there is in this case. so this implant is intact. it is a 245cc pipimplant. we will keep the serial number, and it's got quite a lot of gel bleed. it's moderategel bleed, i would say. it's oily on the outside, but not too bad. this is the type of implantthat ruptures because you get a fold in the shell. i am finding a lot of the older pipimplants are slightly different. this feels

like one that would be prone to rupture andhas moderate gel bleed. now what i am going to do is dissect inside, modify the pocketto accept a wider implant. i have just put a temporary inflatable implant in, which ihave shown in all of my other videos, and i just blow the pocket up to see what suitsour patient the best. she has actually selected a 360cc implant. that's what i have blownit up to and that looks really good. so we are going to use a 360cc implant in the sameposition under the muscle in the patient today. now, i am going to put a new nagor impleo360cc implant in via this incision. it is in position. i think we got a much bettershape and better cleavage on this lady. the scar is going to be a little bit high, buti can't do much about that i'm afraid. this

implant is sitting well. so i am just goingto sew this up and do the same procedure on the other side. so, again, if we look on thisside, there are a couple of problems. number one, there is a sort of a dent in here. canyou see where the muscle hasn't been released? so i am going to release that. the other thingis that the incision again is high, so the bottom of the breast is here, but the incisionis here, 2 centimetres higher. so really, again, i would like to make my incision inthe fold, so incisions could be hidden in the fold. but unfortunately it is alreadyon the lower part of the breast. i can't do anything about that. so rather than makingtwo incisions, i am going to use this incision here. i am actually going to remove the oldscar and remodel it. although i can try and

make the scar better, i can't move it unfortunately.this is the implant removed. can you see the gel bleed? there is gel on my gloves. it'sslipping. we are finding this a lot with pip implants. they are sort of sticky. can yousee the gel? i don't know whether you can see that on my fingers. the end of the strandis coming from the implant to the fingers. so it's intact. this is again the type ofimplant that is very prone to fracture. so it's good our patient had it out. it's thesame as the other one, a 245 high profile implant, but it's just slippy and quite alot of gel bleed. that's again because the sealing layer wasn't put in, so the shellis lacking layers and that's why it's permeable to silicone. anyways, so we are going to recordthat, and then i'm going to wash everything

out, free it up, and put another implant in.that's the end of the operation. you can see we've filled out this area here, which wasn'tfull before. i don't know if you can see that there. filled up there. the incision, as imentioned, is still going to be slightly high, but i can't do very much about that unfortunately.once the incision is made, it's made. i think we are going to get a good result. i justwant to show you how the implants looked again. so this is the right implant. it's dry now.it had quite a lot of gel bleed on it when it was taken out. it's 245cc. this is thelot number. we are tracing all of these to try and work out which of the implants havehad problems. now, this implant feels quite characteristic, like one of the ones thatmight rupture, because the shell doesn't feel

of good quality. it is pretty underfilled,and these are the implants that we are finding are getting these creases in and then rupturing.it just doesn't feel like a great implant. then, on the left, we've got another implant,which is 245cc implant, high profile. but again, you can't feel the gel bleed now, becauseit's been taken out of the body. quite coarse texturing and again quite a rim there thatit is going to probably rupture. so it's probably good our lady had these out. this is justthe implants i put in, which is the nagor implants. so, if you're having nagor implants,this tells you all about the warranty program for them. we tend to use either nagor or allerganimplants, and then you will be given a card like this with your implants with detailson it. so, if you get one of those, please

keep it safe because it is very useful tohave this information at a later date. nagor is the number one uk company for breast implants,and allergan is probably the largest company worldwide. thanks very much for watching thevideo. i hope you found it useful and interesting. if you have got pip implants, or any typeof breast implants, and you're worried, please contact us either via email or via phone.we will be absolutely delighted to talk to you about the options available for you, whichmay involve scanning or possible surgery or just keeping an eye on you. thanks very muchfor watching. h&u" urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags country-region urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace hello, my name is adrian richards and today i'm going to take you through a pipbreast implant exchange operation rjd1 normal.dot

rjd1 microsoft office word hello, my nameis adrian richards and today i'm going to take you through a pip breast implant exchangeoperation title microsoft office word document msworddoc word.document.8


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