subfascial breast augmentation before and after

subfascial breast augmentation before and after

hi, i'm dr. frank lista and welcome to operatingroom number 1 here at the plastic surgery clinic. so lots of patients ask me about implantshape. so, basically, there are 2 different shapes of implants. implants can either beround or they can teardrop shaped. how do we choose? well, first of all, the numberone rule is, and if you've seen any of our videos so far you know the number one ruleis, create a breast that looks beautiful, that has a beautiful shape and looks, every patient gets an implant that's been determined to be the right implant for do we decide that? well, first of all, implants can either be round or teardrop solet me show you an example. here's a round implant and here's a teardrop-shaped notice this implant is perfectly round.

this implant has a shape that looks like ateardrop. now, this implant, the teardrop implant, is really useful for patients whohave droopiness, or if they have what we call constricted lower pole. constricted lowerpole is a tightness in the bottom part of the breast. because this implant, you see,is more full at the bottom than it is at the top, it will stretch out a tight lower patients, some patients have what we call constricted lower pole, or a tuberous breastdeformity, and so those teardrop shape implants are really important for patients who havethose conditions. now what about if you don't have that condition, what if you have a normalbreast? well we used to think that teardrop shaped implants looked more natural than roundimplants. but if your breast is normal, 2

new studies out of europe have shown thatpeople can't tell the difference. what they did is they took a bunch of women who hadround implants and a bunch of women who had undergone teardrop shaped implants, they tooktheir photographs, they shuffled them up, and they showed them to plastic surgeons andto patients, to women, and they said "can you guess which implant this is, round orteardrop?" and it turned out that if the patient started off with a normal breast, neitherthe women nor the plastic surgeons could tell if the implant was round or teardrop. so,what we know then is in a normal-looking breast, just a small normal breast, people can't tellthe difference between round and teardrop, they both look the same. so if they both lookthe same, we're going to choose the implant

that's safer, and round implants have a lowercomplication rate than teardrop shape implants. so in a normal breast, a round implant willlook exactly the same as a teardrop shape implant, we'll choose the safer and that'susually round. but your breasts won't look round! it'll look exactly like a teardropshape implant. so, in summary, if you have a normal breast, we'll choose the safest implantwhich gives an equal result: round. but if you have a special problem like droopinessor a constricted lower pole or tuberous breast deformity, we're going to use a teardrop shapedimplant. the key is pick the implant for the patient that gives the most natural look possible.thanks for watching.


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