smoking before and after breast augmentation

smoking before and after breast augmentation

top 10 strange studies with unexpected results 10. most of us have murder fantasies evolutionary psychologist david buss decidedto take a survey of his university of texas at austin students to see if any of them hadever fantasized about murder. he discovered 75 percent of them said that they had, sohe decided to do a formal survey of approximately 5,000 people around the world. his results showed that 91 percent of men,and 84 percent of women have had a fantasy about murdering someone. in addition to thesurvey, he reviewed and analyzed the fbi files of more than 400,000 murders.

buss concluded that “killing is fundamentallyin our nature because over the eons of human evolution murder was so surprisingly beneficialin the intense game of reproductive competition.” additionally, buss concluded that men aremore likely to kill someone if they’ve become humiliated because it could hurt their abilityto attract a mate. 9. american breasts are getting bigger according to the lingerie retailer intimacy,the average american bra size has jumped from a modest 34b, to a voluptuous 34dd. intimacyinterviewed more than 60,000 customers, and compared the results to another study donein 1992. the conclusion was that today, women are buying bigger bras than they were 20 yearsago.

intimacy spokeswoman kate terhune told thehuffington post that a few reasons why the average bra size has gone up is because ofweight gain and the increase of women getting breast implants. however, she says that thebiggest factor is that today, women are more educated about how a bra should fit, and arechoosing the right size. it’s actually gotten to the point whereretailers are starting to receive complaints from customers that aren’t seeing fashionablechoices in bigger sizes, or bras that are big enough in general. 8. british teens think sherlock holmes wasreal there’s a prevailing thought that kids todaydon’t know as many famous historical figures

as older generations, so a group of researchersdecided to put that to the test. a survey of 3,000 british youths posed questions abouthistorical figures that adults might think were common sense. for example, 47% of theparticipants in the study thought that the king richard the lionheart was fictional. another question participants were asked waswhether or not sherlock holmes was a real detective at some point in history. an astonishing58% of participants said he was. of course, sherlock holmes is a completely fictionalinvention of sir arthur conan doyle. it probably shouldn’t come as a surprisethat the participants didn’t know a whole lot about historical figures. researchersalso asked participants how often they read

history books, or if they watched historicaltelevision, and 77% of the participants said that they did not read about history, and61% said that they would immediately change the channel if a historical program came on. 7. internet trolls are likely to be sadists three psychologists from the university ofmanitoba took to the internet to analyze commenters in an effort to gauge online personalitiesfrom a mental standpoint, and quickly discovered that those who engage in “trolling” arealso likely to show signs of sadism, psychopathy, and machiavellianism. essentially, sadismmeans enjoying the harm of others, psychopathy is an antisocial personality disorder, andmachiavellianism is a reflection of someone’s

tendency to be unemotional and other words, an internet troll. the researchers studied the commenting stylesof 1,215 people. they stated that the most conclusive finding in their research was thatthere is a direct link between trolling and sadism. “both trolls and sadists feel sadistic gleeat the distress of others,” the researchers wrote in their study. of course, one explanationis that the results could just be a reflection of the online disinhibition effect, whichleads us to treat other people online as less than human simply because we aren’t dealingwith them face to face. 6. the eyferth study

the results of the eyferth study shouldn’tcome as a surprise to anyone in the modern day, but at the time it was considered groundbreaking and revolutionary. the study was named after klaus eyferth, a psychologistwho was curious as to whether or not there was a biological difference in the iqs ofwhite and racially mixed children. the study took place in west germany, post-worldwar ii. the mothers of the children involved in the study were german women, who had sleptwith white or african-american members of the us occupation forces. the study was published in 1959 and revealedthat the children, aged 5 to 13, were around the same level of intelligence. this studyhas been used as evidence that racial iq differences

are a result of cultural and environmentalfactors, rather than genetic ones. while this seems obvious to us know, at the time it flewin the face of the unfortunate belief that whites were inherently more intelligent thanblacks. 5. john hopkins magic mushroom studies researchers at john hopkins university havebeen publishing some very interesting studies in recent years about the effects of psilocybinmushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms. one study was published indicating that theuse of magic mushrooms is incredibly effective in getting smokers to kick the habit. amazingly,80% of participants were able to stop smoking after being treated with three heavily monitoredpsychedelic sessions, compared to a 35% success

rate for the leading tobacco addiction treatmentdrugs. in addition to discovering that psilocybinhas the potential to help people quit smoking, it was also discovered that it has a long-termeffect on the brain that can alter a person’s personality for the better. magic mushroomscan change the chemical makeup of the user’s brain to make them focus on creativity, theirpassion, and make them more open about their feelings and the way they perceive things. in another study published by jhu behaviouralbiology professor roland griffiths, virtually all participants who took the mushrooms emergedfrom the study feeling better about themselves. their friends, family, and colleagues saidthat the psilocybin experience made the participants

happier, calmer, and kinder. 4. two-thirds of american vegetarians eatmeat according to vegetarianism in america, 3.2%of adults in the united states follow a vegan-based diet. however, not all of those vegetariansare sticking to their diet as strictly as they would like you to believe. in 2003, a study published by the us departmentof agriculture revealed that the organization randomly telephoned 13,313 americans, andwhen those same people were called again a week later, 66% of the self-proclaimed vegetarianshad admitted to eating animal flesh in the last 24 hours.

an earlier poll taken in 2002 by cnn on theeating habits of 10,000 americans revealed that 6% of americans considered themselvesvegetarians. however, when asked if they had eaten red meat, poultry, or fish in the past24 hours, 60% of them revealed that they had. 3. oregon panhandlers make a fortune in 2008, oregon police officers decided totake a survey of panhandlers outside of a walmart in coos bay. what they discoveredis that a panhandler outside of the store can make up to $300 a day, but it would takea cashier a week to earn that much money. in other words, if you wanted to earn a littleextra money, begging for handouts in the street is a potentially lucrative way to do it.

according to the coos bay police, most ofthe people asking for money live in the city and actually have homes, indicating, “thisis just their chosen profession.” in a more recent investigation, a reporter named katiehiggins decided to see how much panhandling could actually earn. in an hour, she made$8 and half a turkey sandwich. who knew you could make a living off of thekindness of strangers? 2. 43% of canadians prefer bacon to sex when you think of canada, “bacon” is typicallyone of the first things that springs to mind. according to science, that stereotype is actuallywell founded. a study conducted in 2010 by maple leaf foods inc. revealed that 43% ofcanadians would choose bacon over sex if it

ever came down to it. when men were askedto rank a series of aromas in order of preference, 23% of men ranked the smell of bacon first.canadians are serious about their bacon. luckily, canadians don’t have to chooseone or the other thanks to a personal product called baconlube. when launched in 2011, thelubricant was – not surprisingly – the first and only bacon-based personal lubricanton the market. during the initial campaign, the lubricant poked fun at the maple leaffoods study, stating that “canadians will never have to choose between two of life’sgreatest pleasures again.” maple leaf foods inc. and baconlube: perpetuatingcanadian stereotypes since 2010. 1. married women drink more

it’s become a sitcom trope that marriedmen are guilty of trying to find any excuse to go the bar and have a few drinks, but a2012 study revealed that married men actually drink less than their single counterparts.on the flip side, the results concluded that women actually drink more after marriage. corinne reczek, an assistant professor atthe university of cincinnati who reviewed data involving thousands of wisconsin natives,conducted the study. in addition to that data, she looked into a separate study of 120 interviewswith married, divorced, widowed, and single people about their lifestyles. reczek presented the data to the americansociological association, stating that men

are guilty of coaxing their wives into drinkingmore, whereas women try to keep their partners’ drinking under control. when a couple divorces,a man will drink more, partly because he externalizes his feelings but also because he doesn’thave anyone telling him to slow down. a woman will drink less, partly because typicallywoman internalize their issues, but mostly because she doesn’t have a spouse tryingto get her liquored up.


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