before and after breast augmentation d to dd

before and after breast augmentation d to dd

adrian richards: hello. our patienttoday had pip implants, 310 cc's, back in 2004. today we're going to be exchanging herbreast implants. we have a suspicion that the right one has ruptured, so we're havinga look at that during this procedure. i'll take you through each stage of the procedure.our patient today has quite a wide scar. it's 5.5 centimetres from the nipple, which ishigh. this is the one we think is ruptured. so we're going to be removing the implant.we're also going to remove that little mole while we're here. i'll show you the implant.i'm just going to cut through the capsule of the implant here. see that fluid comingout? that indicates that we have a likely rupture here. it's really slightly darkerthan normal, that fluid. it's normally much

more creamy, isn't it aggie? aggie: yeah.adrian richards: then we'll just have a look at that. see that fluid? now we'll just havea look at the implant and see what that looks like. yeah, so i'll just show you the rupturewe've got on this side. you can see it's all deflated at the top. it's deflated. it's rupturedaround the base plate at the back. this is a sort of, not really a bad rupture. actually,i've seen ones that are much worse, as well as ones that are lesser. but you can see,really, where the implant has come completely away there from the shell. it would splitall the way through, as we've had ones that have been split in two or three differentparts. interesting that there's another rupture here. there are two ruptures in it. interesting.can you see there's another rupture there?

actually, unusual to be ruptured in two placesseparately, but this is actually ruptured in two places. anyway, we're going to cleareverything out and put a new implant in. okay. this implant on the left is intact. it's deflatedquite considerably at the top. you can see gel bleed, but intact, unlike the implanton the right. i thought i'd show you the implants on both sides. this is the right one. youcan see it's ruptured, almost completely separated that little area there. as you can see, there'sa second area of rupture i don't know whether you can see just there, as well, on the can see the state of the implant there. on the left, actually similar serial numbers,but intact. you can see similar serial numbers, but this one was picked up on an mri, whichshowed the patient had been ruptured. i think

we would probably recommend, if you haven'thad your implants scanned, probably do have them scanned, if they are pips, to see ifthey are ruptured because we're finding slightly over 20% of our patients with pips have rupturesin our sort of [live] series. thanks for watching. doctor: hello robin robin microsoftoffice word doctor: hello title microsoft office word document msworddoc word.document.8


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