before and after breast augmentation b to d

before and after breast augmentation b to d

hi, i’m dr. donald yoo. i’m a facial plasticsurgeon, here in beverly hills, california and i’d like to talk about asian rhinoplasty. one of the reasons i enjoy asian rhinoplastyso much is because it can create such a dramatic change in someone’s appearance. beause the nose is in the center of the faceit is important that the appearance and proportions of the nose, are in balance with the restof the facial features. i’ve had the privilege of operating on asiansof just about every ethnicity, and i have found one of the keys to a successful resultis approaching each nose as a personalized, individual nose.

on the computer i can sit down with them,and morph their images and see what they find aesthetically pleasing, and i can be on thesame page with tem and figure out if we see eye to eye as to what we find to be a beautiful,attractive nose. and also at this time i am able to assess their expectations and alsoif it is surgically possible to create the nose they envision for themselves. another way i avoid a cookie cutter approachor avoid creating a cookie cutter nose, is by using tissue from the patient’s own body.this way each surgery is tailored to that patient, and all the grafts and techniquesthat i use are unique to that patient. synthetic grafts are very popular and widespreadin asian rhinoplasty, and there are a number

of reasons for this. one of the main reasonsis that synthetic grafts are readily available, and are ready to use right off the of the problems with this is that those grafts are not individualized – the samegraft that is used in your nose is also used in thousands of other patients’ noses. the other main disadvantage of using syntheticimplants is that there is a risk of infection, migration, and extrusion (or ulcerating throughthe skin), that is much, much higher than using your own tissue. using grafts made from your own tissue, alsoknown as autologous grafts, is safe, and provides predictable and permanent results. it alsoprovides a nose that looks more natural because

instead of the sharp, visible edges of a siliconeor gore-tex graft, your own tissue is used to build your nose, and as it is incorporatedinto your body, it becomes a part of your nose. for this reason i use exclusively autologousgrafts (or grafts made from tissue in your own body) for asian rhinoplasty. by using autologous grafts i can address eachof the aesthetic and functional concerns of my patients. a number of changes can be madeto the way the nose looks during asian rhinoplasty. some of these changes include: increasingthe height, or building up the bridge of the nose to create more definition when lookingstraight-on, and to improve the profile; another possibility in asian rhinoplasty is to increasethe refinement and projection of the tip of

the nose. some asians are unhappy with thebulbosity or the width of the tip of their nose, or the fact it does not project farenough from the face. for patients who wish to augment or buildup the bridge of their nose, i can augment using a variety of graft options. one of thecommonly used grafts is cartilage harvested from inside the nose, or portion of the nosedividing the right and left nostril, right in the middle, called the septum. by harvestinga portion of the cartilage from the septum i am able to build up other areas of the nosethat may be deficient. another possible option is taking cartilagefrom the ear, or the concha. by taking cartilage through a small incision behind the ear, iam able to use a hidden incision that does

not alter the appearance, shape or look ofthe ear in any way, and that cartilage can also be used to build up the nose. for patients who desire the maximum amountof change, cartilage harvested from a small 2.5 cm incision right underneath the rightbreast or chest, i can harvest rib cartilage, and use that cartilage to then construct thenose. another common complaint from patients seekingasian rhinoplasty is the flare or the width of the nostrils. and again the flare and thewidth of the nostrils can be modified during surgery. asian rhinoplasty is a surgery that i really,really enjoy performing because it can create

such a dramatic and significant change. feelfree to e-mail me or call my office with any questions. e-mail me at: visit me andlearn more at:


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