after breast augmentation can i sleep on my side

after breast augmentation can i sleep on my side

welcome back. the hourglass tummy tuck is a procedure that i have created and refined over the past years. i want to show you what the hourglass tummy tuck can do by demonstrating a patient who had a previous tummy tuck and was not happy with the results. with this patient, as you can see, although her abdomen is flat, she looks very square. there are rolls on the sides, given her undulated profile. her belly button is not deep and the scar lies on the outside. her hips are also square, negatively affecting the front profile. in her side view, you can see that her abdomen is flat with some fat rolls.

remember, this patient had a tummy tuck already. a traditional tummy tuck by definition entails removing excessive skin on the lower abdomen fixing muscle weakness, and recreating a new belly button leaving a scar at the bikini line. it does not include liposuction with body sculpting and fat transfer to the hips. so, let's go to the operating room so i can show you what we did with this patient. here's the patient lying on the bed. notice how square she is on her sides and also how deficient her hips are. let’s start the surgery.

first, i am going to do liposuction on her whole abdomen. prior to lipo, i am going to inject tumescent anesthesia to control bleeding. then i'm going to go ahead and do liposuction on the abdomen, flanks, and sides. liposuction is a very powerful tool to sculpt the body and recreate the hourglass figure it is done on superficial and deep layers of the subcutaneous tissue. because i perform liposuction on the whole abdomen, i have to be an expert in this technique, because combining liposuction with a tummy tuck can lead to significant problems with wound healing, among other things.

the fat is collected in sterile canisters and then will be injected into the hip area. i have actually finished doing the tummy tuck and now i am injecting fat into the hip area. i inject the fat in multiple passes using small cannulas these are the results on the table after the surgery. you can see the hourglass figure from different angles. her belly button is deep. her waist-to-hip ratio is much improved. notice the dramatic effect of combining different techniques to recreate the beautiful and sexy hourglass figure. you can see her new curves marked by the yellow lines.

now let’s put these two pictures side by side, and you can definitely tell the difference and the power of the techniques that i use to recreate the hourglass figure. these are the results after three months.improvement in the waist-to-hip ratio. a much more curved figure that looks proportionate to her body frame. also, the belly button is deep, with a scar hiding within the belly button. the lower abdominal scar is low enough that she can wear sexy underwear. in the side view, she has a very flat abdomen. if we look at the pictures side by side we see the dramatic effects of my technique the hourglass tummy tuck.

the patient is extremely happy withher results. in this video, we have discussed the hourglass tummy tuck in the context of a patient that had a previous tummy tuck. in the next video, we will talk about the importance of fixing muscle weakness during a tummy tuck.


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