a to c breast augmentation before and after

a to c breast augmentation before and after

cosmetic surgery is growing more popular,worldwide. more than 87 percent of all plastic surgery is performed on women, and the numberone is breast augmentation. let's bust this wide open. in the 1940s, japanese prostitutes would injectparaffin or sponge into their breasts to increase their bust line and attract american soldiersduring world war ii. then, in 1962, the first silicone breast implantation was performedin houston, texas. now, 50 years later,. in 2013, there were more than 23 million surgicaland nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed worldwide and the most common, at 1.77 million,were breast implant surgeries! breasts are a collection of fat, milk-producinglobules, lymph nodes, and connective tissues.

no two are alike, even on the same person!they sit on top of pectoral muscles, over the ribs and, as you likely know, exist forbreast feeding infants, but have other social purposes as well. they're continually developinguntil the age of 22, and their size is both genetically and environmentally determined;hormone or chemical exposure, diet and genetics will all affect their size, but in the end,some augment their breast tissue with a prosthetic implant. in the us, most implants are made of a contouredor round synthetic polymer called elastomer. the sizes are measured in cubic centimeters,and each cup-size is 175 to 200 ccs of fluid. in 2012, 72 percent contained silicone, and28 percent a sterile saline solution -- a

basic medical grade salt water. silicone wasbanned by the fda from 1992 because of concerns over the implant rupturing, but in 2006 theban was lifted after significant testing. there are three types of breast implant surgeries.under the breast tissue alone, mostly under the pectoralis major muscle and entirely underthe pectoralis major. the implant can be inserted through an incision around the areola incisionto limit scar tissue, in the crease of the breast for when the crease needs moving anyway,through the armpit, to avoid breast scarring or damage, or even through the belly button!once inserted the implants are inflated with fluid, positioned, and voila! it's a surgery, so it takes time for bodyhas to heal, and patients must essentially

do physical therapy during that process. thehuman body doesn't enjoy having things inserted into it, so as it heals the immune systemwill begin creating scar tissue around the implant. a new method for silicone implantsfrom the uk uses a textured surface on the exterior of the implant which mimics othersurfaces in the body, but scar tissues are pretty much inevitable. overall, if both thesurgeon and patient do their jobs properly, the breasts will look entirely natural. ifnot, capsular contracture will occur, which is when the scar tissue causes a stiff, unnaturallook. a good boob job is like a good wig -- you don't notice the good ones... though 1-2 percent of implants fail each year,breast implants shouldn't harm the body any

more than any other implanted medical prosthesis.if they do rupture the scar tissue surrounding the implant could keep it intact for a while;saline can be absorbed by the body, and the fda says silicone won't harm the body, causecancer or damage tissues in any way. either way surgery would be involved to remove theimplant or replace it. fyi: no, they don't pop on airplanes, and can even be run overby a car to test their durability. people undergo breast augmentation for manyreasons: postmastectomy reconstruction, congenital deformations, uneven breast development, post-breastfeedingcollapse, or simply by choice for their own positive body image, self-esteem or confidenceor gender reassignment surgeries! in fact, the second most common plastic surgery inthe world for men is breast reduction for

gynecomastia. some men get breast augmentationtoo. surgeons are trained to screen for body dysmorphic disorders in their patients, andthey know any procedure is part of a conversation. studies have correlated breast augmentationelectees to increases in suicide over 10 years, as well as self-esteem issues, but the bottomline is: it's your body, your choice.


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