breast augmentation before and after extra large

breast augmentation before and after extra large

i want to ask you a question. does it makesense to make something smaller and bigger at the same time? think about it. is thatreally logical? well that's what mastopexy breast aug does every time. in our last video we talked about how to tellwhether you need a breast lift or a breast implant. if the nipple to fold distance exceedsthe limit set by high 5 then there's too much excess skin. so in mastopexy seeks to removeall the excess skin and make the breast perkier, firmer, tighter, but most importantly, theskin in the loop is smaller. a breast implant seeks to make that same breastenvelope bigger. what sense does it make to do both of those at the same time? these twooperations are diametrically opposed. they're

fighting each other. and with that fight comesat least 12 variables that surgeons can't control during the healing process, makingthis a very risky and uncontrollable operation. if a breast needs a lift, it needs it becauseit didn't hold it's own weight well over time, either through weight gain and loss or pregnancyand nursing. so a surgeon can operate on your tissue but no surgeon can change the geneticqualities of your tissue. so once we lift it you're always going to be more prone towhat your body's already shown you. you're going to be more prone to stretch. so havingsaid that, anyone who needs a lift to begin with is never really a great candidate fora breast implant, because a breast implant is nothing but a fake weight.

what kind of sense does it make when you hearthat someone had a breast lift and had a 450cc implant put right back in? remember, perkierand bigger never go hand in hand. doctor tebbitt's approach to this dilemma is staging the the breast lift first, then wait six months and then remeasure the nipple to fold distance.if it hasn't stretched under the weight of your own tissue more than 20% then it's reasonableto put in an implant. but what if it has stretched more than 20% in just six months under theweight of just your breast tissue? does it really make sense to add the extra weightof an implant? most surgeons will do this operation at thesame time because they're scared to tell you you need two operations. and quite franklymost patients don't want to hear it. but the

beauty of staging this operation is you couldend up being happy with a perky, firmer breast and never, ever have to deal with everythingthat goes with adding an implant to your body and what that weight will do to your tissueover time. i know it's hard. if you need a lift thenyou've probably always been pretty busty, so it's kind of hard to imagine not havingthe same type of look, or certainly being smaller. but there are certain things thatyou simply can't change and neither can we. so it's best that you know what we know sothat we can all be on this level playing field and understand what all of our options are,before you decide to make a change to your body or simply hope that a procedure willdo what you want it to do.

the moral of this battle between lift andimplant is that they should really never be on the same battle field at all. there isa type of breast that need a lift, there is a type of breast that an implant. rarely isthere a type of breast that can handle both successfully.


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