breast augmentation before and after philippines

breast augmentation before and after philippines

10 plastic surgery horror stories 10) vaseline penis injection 24-year-old szilveszter [sil-vest-er] wasleft unable to have sex after he injected his penis with vaseline in an attempt to enhanceits size. a few months after the injection, szilveszter’spenis became lumpy and misshapen, as his body formed scar tissue around the vaseline. meanwhile, his foreskin swelled to more than15 times its normal size and began splitting away from his penis. luckily, szilveszter’s penis was able toregain normal function after he underwent

a corrective operation. this involved skinninghis penis and removing the lumps, before stitching it back up again. source: mirror 9) cooking oil injection former korean model hang mioku [mee-oh-koo]was left permanently disfigured after she injected her face with cooking oil in a bidfor soft skin. as she was addicted to plastic surgery, doctorshad refused to give mioku any more silicone injections in her face, as it had become noticeablypuffy. so, mioku resorted to the black market, andafter self-injecting an entire bottle of silicone

into her face, she began to inject cookingoil. her diy beauty treatment left her face solumpy and swollen that not even her own parents could recognize her. source: mail online 8) cement face transgender woman rajee narinesingh [na-rinna-sing]was ‘made into a monster’ after an unlicensed surgeon injected her face with cement andtire sealant. in an attempt to achieve a feminine body andface, narinesingh had injections in her cheeks, chin and lips.

but the cocktail of toxic substances lefther face misshapen, with rock hard lumps bulging under her skin and a large boil, which grewuntil it exploded green pus and blood onto her bathroom mirror. the botched procedure left narinesingh tooembarrassed to leave the house, until years later when the mixture was removed by a licensedsurgeon. 7) flesh eating infection rodrigo alves [al-vez] was left with a gapinghole in his nose after contracting a flesh eating infection following a nose job. the ‘human ken doll’ had undergone hisseventh nose job, but his body rejected the

new cartilage, leading to the infection. as the hole in alves’ nose grew, he struggledto breathe, and doctors warned that the infection could eat through his nose and spread acrosshis face. due to the risk of the infection turning gangrenous,alves’ nose had to be rebuilt using cartilage from his rib area. 6) arse amputation hair stylist apryl michelle brown underwenta quadruple limb and buttock amputation after having a butt implant injected on the blackmarket. instead of the enhancing silicone brown wasexpecting, the unlicensed practitioner injected

brown’s buttocks with bathroom sealant. the botched implants caused brown agony andquickly became infected. doctors were forced to induce brown into acoma and carry out 27 operations in order to stop the infection. when brown awoke 2 months later she foundthat her legs, arms and butt had been amputated. 5) sucked skin tabatha barrett risked her life for her dreambody after seeing a cosmetic surgery package on the internet. barrett paid $15,000 to undergo liposuctionon her waist and thighs, as well as breast

augmentation, at a cosmetic surgery in thailand. but during the liposuction, complicationsarose, and barrett had to be saved with blood transfusions. she awoke to find bags of her fat at the endof her bed, while her legs were covered in bruises and open wounds. it turned out that the doctors had removed11 liters of fat from her body in one go, more than double the recommended amount duringa single procedure. source: that’s life 4) beauty queen

19-year-old medical student catherine candotragically died while undergoing liposuction, after winning the procedure at a beauty pageant. although cando said in an interview that shewas happy with her weight and didn’t want cosmetic surgery, she was pestered into undergoingthe procedure by dr. gustavo, who sat on the judging panel. cando eventually underwent liposuction withthe aim of shrinking her waist by 3cm, but sadly complications occurred during the surgeryand she died after fluid accumulated in her brain. source: ny post

3) eyes wide open after losing weight from gastric bypass surgery,a woman named dawn underwent upper and lower eyelid surgery to tighten up the excess skinnear her eyes. however, after the surgery, dawn realizedthat something was wrong as she was unable to control her tears. as well as crying involuntarily, dawn’ssurgery means that she also sleeps with her eyes open. she attempted to sue the surgeon who carriedout the procedure, but the doctor claimed bankruptcy and denied botching her procedure.

source: good house keeping 2) puncture wounds april jenkins tragically died while undergoinga botched liposuction. according to the police report, during theprocedure jenkins complained of feeling tearing and burning sensations, so the medical staffstuffed a propofol-soaked rag into her mouth to shut her up. when the fat transfer procedure was complete,jenkins began making odd moaning noises, before having a seizure and falling into respiratoryarrest due to fluid build up. jenkins died shortly after the operation andmedical examiners found that she had endured

multiple puncture wounds to her diaphragmand liver. source: court house news, cbs 46 1) latent tb kerry elia suffered years of ill health afterher breast enlargement surgery triggered previously inactive tuberculosis bacteria in her body. a few years after her operation, her breastimplants exploded, as the tuberculosis had eaten away at the scar tissue that held theimplants in place. elia had the implants taken out, but becameinfected with the bacteria mrsa while in hospital. the scar tissue from her multiple breast operationsturned septic, leading to elia needing a double

mastectomy. but the nightmare didn’t end there and thetuberculosis returned, leaving doctors no choice but to remove part of her lung. sadly elia didn’t recover and she died soonafter her lung operation.


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