breast augmentation after 8 weeks

top 10 cosmetic surgery procedures 10. tummy tuck abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck involvesthe removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen. when the excess fat and skin areremoved, the skin is stretched tight over the stomach, resulting in an impressivelyflat abdomen. abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction and other fat removal surgeries.the full abdominoplasty is a procedure that lasts for about three hours. two long incisionsare made, one along the public bone and the other that frees your belly button from thesurrounding tissue. the stomach muscles are tightened and excess fat and skin are removed,thus flattening the tummy.
9. liposuction liposuction is process in which stubborn fatdeposits are removed from specific body areas, such as the stomach, thighs, chest and hips.liposuction works best for patients who have stubborn fat deposits that they are not ableto remove through diet and exercise alone. fat is removed by inserting small thin tubesunder the fat layer, which are connected to a large vacuum pump or suction syringe. fluidis injected into the areas from which fat is to be removed; this helps to prevent bloodloss. liposuction can be performed on several areas of the body at once. 8. brow lift
a brow lift involves lifting the foreheadskin to remove some of the tissue and muscle that lie under the skin to re-contour theface. people whose appearance is compromised because of drooping eyebrows, loose foreheador fatty eyebrows can opt for this procedure. four incisions are made behind the patient’shairline and tiny cameras called endoscopes are inserted to identify the tissues and musclesthat need to be removed. this procedure takes close to two hours to complete. 7. chin augmentation chin augmentation involves the creation ofa more proportionate face and a firmer chin line, using chin implants. an incision ismade above the chin bone, and a chin implant
is placed in the pocket that is created. theprocedure takes about two hours to complete. 6. nose reshaping rhinoplasty involves reshaping the cartilage,bones and sometimes the soft nasal tissues of the nose. the nose size can be increasedor reduced, and the nasal tip can be altered and unsightly bumps can be removed to makethe nose straight and narrow. functionally, nose jobs are performed to remove blockagesor to correct a deformity, and to help a patient breathe better. however, for the most part,nose jobs are undertaken purely for aesthetic purposes. 5. eyelid lift
in this procedure, excess skin, fat and muscleare removed from the lower and upper eyelids. the procedure reduces the puffy look and eyeliddrooping and creates a more attractive appearance. if you have eye bags due to ageing, geneticfactors, sun exposure, pollution and other environmental factors, you can opt for thisprocedure. 4. face lift and neck lift rhytidectomy or facelift surgery involvesremoving excess skin from the face, neck and cheeks. the skin is lifted and re-draped tightlyover the facial bones. the objective of this procedure is to make the patient look younger. 3. breast reduction
breast reduction involves reducing the breastsize in women. women whose heavy breasts cause severe backache and other physical issuesopt for this procedure, which is also known as mammaplasty. the procedure involves removingbreast tissue, fat and skin, and moving the nipples and other tissues higher up on thechest. the sides of the breasts are trimmed down to form smaller globes around the areola,giving the breasts a smaller contour. 2. breast lift breast lift surgery is used to lift and firmthe breasts, without increasing the size of the breasts. also called mastopexy, this procedureusually performed to correct sagging or drooping breasts, which can occur owing to childbirth,breastfeeding and ageing. one or more incisions
are made to lift the breast tissue and skinand reshape them higher on the chest to restore firmness and elasticity. 1. breast augmentation in this procedure, medical implants usuallymade of silicone are inserted in the crease underneath the breasts to increase the bustsize. these implants are made of silicone rubber shell filled either with silicone gelor saline solution. the implants can be inserted under the breasts, through the armpits, ornear the areola.
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